Novelist and Children's Author

Have you ever felt like you stepped into a novel?

Posted by on Apr 25, 2013 in Faith | 4 comments

I enjoy writing stories set in California, a state that is familiar to me given that I’ve lived here since I went off to college in 1984. My April 1st release, The Heart Stone, is set in Santa Cruz, a laidback beach town on the coast of Central California.


The other day my husband and I went on a date to collect the gift cards I had promised to give one fortunate winner who signed up for my newsletter at my book launch party. (Congratulations, Jill!)

Our first stop was The Crow’s Nest, a wonderful oceanfront restaurant mentioned in The Heart Stone. (I hope the staff enjoys their complimentary copy.) There are two sections to this restaurant, the fine dining below and the more relaxed, less expensive area above. If you live in Santa Cruz, you’ve most likely been to this restaurant since it’s one of our local best. The salad bar is a must and the view is heavenly. My husband and I climbed the steps and sat in the exact spot my characters did and enjoyed the view. We even ordered the fish tacos! From our seat, I snapped this photo of a boat going by.


Next we went to Marianne’s Ice Cream shop. We couldn’t just buy the gift cards without having some ice cream! There are so many flavors to choose from. I picked Heaven, an appropriately named flavor with vanilla ice cream, brownie bites, nuts, and peanut butter woven in. It was delicious! I felt as though I was living in my novel, especially when I saw a brunette young woman sit down next to her son by the window. It looked like Jessica and Jacob! What do you think?



We didn’t have time to walk along West Cliff Drive or stop by Santa Cruz Jewelry store, two places we go to whenever we’re on the west side of town—and also mentioned in The Heart Stone.

Have you ever felt like you stepped into a novel?



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  1. Laura Bennet

    Yes! I have a friend that works at Pacific Manor. I went to pick her up there for lunch this past week and thought about your novel 🙂

  2. Karen O'Connor

    Yes, I have–stepped into all of your novels since I’ve been with you from the start and even visited some of the locations in your books. It’s been so much fun to read your stories set in our own Santa Cruz County, California and those down the coast. It seems to me the characters are ‘real’ and they ‘really’ do live here. Thanks for being an inspiring storyteller.

    • Sherry Kyle

      Wow, thanks Karen! I appreciate your comment and compliment.

      I remember reading a series by Karen Kingsbury about the Christian Youth Theater (CYT). In 2007 I went to Washington to see the CYT when my niece was in the production of Pocohontas. Karen Kingsbury’s daughter was also in the play. Talk about a novel coming to life!