Novelist and Children's Author

How Has God Answered Your Prayer in the Nick of Time?

Posted by on Apr 18, 2013 in Faith | 4 comments

Featured Book:

When God Answers Your Prayers: Inspiring Stories of How God Comes Through in the Nick of Time By Karen O’Connor


From the back cover:

God is Listening!

Sharing inspiring stories, bestselling author Karen O’Connor encourages you to talk to God often and to patiently wait for his answers. Although God’s timing may differ from yours, his responses and solutions are always perfect—even when they come just in the nick of time. Let these short devotions inspire you as they reveal how God has answered prayers like yours, including:

  • restoring a soured friendship through grace and forgiveness
  • blessing a struggling family when an anonymous donor sends furnace fuel
  • strengthening a couple’s faltering marriage when an unexpected circumstance brings them closer
  • turning a job seeker’s frustration to joy when a better position is offered

Whether praying is new to you or you pray ever day, these upbeat stories will remind you that God loves you. He always sends his wonderful provision—sometimes in surprising ways and at unexpected times.


About the author:

Karen O’Connor is a sought-after speaker, a writing consultant, and the award-winning author of 75 books, including Gettin’ Old Ain’t for Wimps (more than 300,000 copies sold). She’s appeared on national media, including The 700 Club and 100 Huntley Street.

My take:

I admit I’m biased when it comes to my friend and writing colleague, Karen O’Connor. (She’s amazing and I admire her so much!) But back to the book . . . I had the privilege of reading the manuscript before it went to print. These real-life stories will grab your heart and bring tears to your eyes. God is so good! You will also enjoy the Scripture references, and inspiring quotes. I love Karen’s sense of humor and easy writing style. Enjoy!

Where you can purchase:

Christian Book Distributors


Barnes & Noble

How has God answered your prayer in the nick of time?



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  3. Karen O'Connor

    Thank you, Sherry. What a lovely post about my book and about me. I hope the book will encourage your followers. God is always watching out for us and answers our prayers in amazing ways–in his time.

    • Sherry Kyle

      My pleasure, Karen! When God answers our prayers we can understand His timing, but the wait is sometimes excruciating. He knows what we need when we need it, and molds our character in the process. Twelve years ago when we were going through the adoption process was one of those times. He answered every one of my prayers for the baby girl who would enter our home. Now she’s going to be in high school in four months! Those years flew by. Yes, God always answers in amazing ways–in His time!